Overview of Probability

Sample Space and Events: Axioms of Probability:


Probability as a branch of mathematics has a long history, dating back over 300 years, when it was first applied to situations concerning games of chance. Many books are dedicated solely to probability, but our goal is to focus on the aspects of the subject that have the greatest immediate influence on statistical inference difficulties.

The present mathematical theory of probability can be traced back to attempts by Gerolamo Cardano in the sixteenth century and Pierre de Fermat and Blaise Pascal in the seventeenth century to examine games of chance (for example the "problem of points"). Their motivation stemmed from an issue regarding games of chance provided by the chevalier de Méré, a notably philosophical gambler. When a game of chance is stopped, De Méré inquires about the right allocation of stakes. Let's say two players, X and Y, are playing a three-point game with 32 pistoles each, and they're interrupted when X has two points and Y has one.

Pascal thought Fermat's solution was too complicated, so he recommended solving the problem in terms of the quantity now known as "expectation," rather than probability.

Games of chance like this one served as model problems for the theory of chances in its early stages, and they are still used in textbooks today. Pascal's posthumous work on the "arithmetic triangle," which is now associated with his name (see binomial theorem), demonstrated how to calculate numbers of combinations and combine them to solve basic gambling difficulties.

Girolamo Cardano, an Italian mathematician, physician, and gambler, estimated chances for games of chance by counting up equally likely occurrences more than a century ago. However, his small work was not published until 1663, by which time the elements of the theory of chances were well known among European mathematicians.


Probability is the study of calculating the chances of something happening. At its most basic level, it is concerned with the roll of a dice or the fall of cards in a game. Probability, on the other hand, is critical to both science and everyday life. It's used for a variety of things, like weather forecasting and figuring out how much your insurance premiums would cost. Probability is the scientific study of randomness and uncertainty. The study of probability gives methods for calculating the chances, or likelihoods, of various outcomes in any situation where one of a number of possible outcomes could occur.

In both written and spoken contexts, the language of probability is frequently utilized in an informal manner. For example, “It is likely that the Dow Jones average will increase by the end of the year,” or “It is likely that the Dow Jones average will climb by the end of the year.” “The incumbent has a 50–50 likelihood of seeking reelection,” says the expert. “It's likely that at least one component of that course will be given next year,” says the professor. “The odds favor a rapid resolution of the strike,” and “at least 20,000 concert tickets are expected to be sold.”

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Sample Space and Events: Axioms of Probability:

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