Multivariate Time Series Analysis

Multivariate Time Series Analysis

This book is based on my experience in teaching and research on multivariate time series analysis over the past 30 years. It summarizes the basic concepts and ideas of analyzing multivariate dependent data, provides econometric and statistical models useful for describing the dynamic dependence between variables, discusses the identifiability problem when the models become too flexible, introduces ways to search for simplifying structure hidden in high-dimensional time series,addresses the applicabilities and limitations of multivariate time series methods,and,equally important, develops a software package for readers to apply the methods and models discussed in the book.

Multivariate time series analysis provides useful tools and methods for processing information embedded in multiple measurements that have temporal and cross-sectional dependence. The goal of the analysis is to provide a better understanding of the dynamic relationship between variables and to improve the accuracy in forecasting. The models built can also be used in policy simulation or in making an inference. The book focuses mainly on linear models as they are easier to comprehend and widely applicable. I tried to draw a balance between theory and application and kept the notation as consistent as possible. I also tried to make the book self-contained. However, given the complexity of the subject, the level of coverage on selected topics may vary throughout the book. This reflects in part my own preference and understanding of the topics and in part my desire to keep the book at a reasonable length.

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