Types of Sampling: || Intro. to Sampling Techniques...:
Inferential statistics entails extrapolating results from a sample to the entire population. Determining how far sample data are likely to differ from each other and from the population parameter is an important component of inferential statistics. These conclusions are derived from sampling distributions.
Definition:Sampling Distribution
It is the probability distribution of a statistic derived from a larger number of samples gathered from a certain population. The sampling distribution of a population is the frequency distribution of a range of alternative outcomes that could occur for a population statistic.
The Sampling Distribution, also known as a finite-sample distribution, depicts the frequency distribution of how far apart distinct events will be for a given population. The underlying population distribution, the statistic being analyzed, the sampling process utilized, and the sample size used all determine the sampling distribution.
The numerical descriptive measures we calculate from a random sample from a population are referred to as statistics. These statistics alter or vary depending on the random sample we choose, hence they are random variables. As a result, statistical probabiity distributions are referred to as sampling distributions. This sampling distirbution provide two informations:
Definition: The Sampling Distribution of a Statistic
This is the probability distribution for the possible values of the statistic that results when random samples of size n are repeatedly drawn from the population.
Example 1:
Example 2:
In order to make statistical inferences and estimate population characteristics, sampling is a way of selecting individuals or a subset of the population. Several sampling procedures are widely used in research so that researchers do not have to survey the entire community in order to obtain useful information.
To estimate population characteristics, samples are used. The mean of a sample, for example, is used to determine the population mean. However, because the sample is a subset of the population, the sample mean is unlikely to be exactly identical to the general mean. Similarly, the sample standard deviation is unlikely to be identical to the population standard deviation. As a result, we can expect a disparity between a sample statistic and the population parameter that corresponds to it.
SAMPLING ERROR - The difference between a sample statistic and its corresponding population parameter.
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There are three ways to find the sampling distribution of a statistic:
It was not too difficult to derive these sampling distribution in the number of elements in the population was very small. When this is not the case, you may need to use on e of these methods:
The Central Limit Theorem says that sums and averages of random samples of measures chosen from a population tend to have an approximately normal distribution under fairly generic assumptions. The Central Limit Theorem asserts that as the sample size grows higher, the sampling distribution of the sample means approaches a normal distribution, regardless of the form of the population distribution. This is especially true for sample sizes greater than 30.
How Large the Sample Size is Large Enough?
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