Course Introduction and Course Syllabus (Statistics in Computing-Computer Science)

Intor to Stat and Data: || Learning Guide, etc:
Course Introduction (Statistics in Computing-Computer Science)

Welcome to Statistics in Computing Course!

This material is designed for Bachelor of Science in Computer Science students. The students will learn the science and art of collecting, organizing, presenting and analyzing of data.

In this package, significant documents are included such as course introduction, course syllabus, learning guide, learning contract, summative assessments and the flexible learning module. This will help both the students and the teacher in the realization of the course outcomes.

Course Syllabus- This provides important information on the course outcomes, learning outcomes, activities, assessments, grading system and the course requirements.

Learning Guide- This provides significant information as to the students’ schedules of submitting the output and the course requirements, feedback modality, communication mechanism, and the contact information of the instructor/professor and other authorities of the University/Campus.

Learning Contract- This document contains the commitment of the learners in accomplishing the activities which includes also the Data Privacy Act, plagiarism rules, safety reminders, and parents’ support.

Summative Assessments- It includes the summative assessment plan, the summative assessment instructions, and the assessment rubrics.

Flexible Learning Module- This is the meat of the package that contains the front contents, module content (learning outcomes, pretest, content, learning activities, and assessments), and the back contents.

We hope and pray that this module help you in achieving your dream to become a data/computer scientist.

-The Authors

The Syllabus

Syllabus of the Course: Goals, Vision and Mission of the University

Course Description, Graduate Attributes, and Program Outcomes of the Course

Course Outcomes, Learning Outcomes, Topics, References, Learning Activities, Learning Materials, Formative Assessment, and Summative Assessment

Grading Plan

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Intro to Stat and Data: || Learning Guide, etc:

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